Tasarım Fabrikası Öğretim Görevlisi Nihai Değerlendirme Sonuçları

Tasarım Fabrikası Öğretim Görevlisi Nihai Değerlendirme Sonuçları

31.12.2024 tarihli Resmi Gazetede  ilan edilen Tasarım Fabrikası Öğretim Görevlisi Nihai Değerlendirme Sonuçlarına https://sonuc-aciklama.metu.edu.tr/index.php?result_no=1563 bağlantısından ulaşılabilir.

Sınav 24 Ocak 2025 Cuma günü 09:30-12:30 saatleri arasında Tasarım Fabrikası’nda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Jüri değerlendirmeleri 27 Ocak 2025 Pazartesi günü tamamlanmıştır.

Tasarım Fabrikası Öğretim Görevlisi Ön Değerlendirme Sonuçları

Tasarım Fabrikası Öğretim Görevlisi Ön Değerlendirme Sonuçları

31.12.2024 tarihli Resmi Gazetede  ilan edilen Tasarım Fabrikası Öğretim Görevlisi Ön Değerlendirme Sonuçlarına  https://sonuc-aciklama.metu.edu.tr/index.php?result_no=1498 bağlantısından ulaşılabilir.

Sınav 24 Ocak Cuma günü 09:30-12:30 saatleri arasında Tasarım Fabrikasında gerçekleşecektir. Adayların sınavdan en az 15 dk önce kimlikleriyle sınav yerlerinde olmaları gerekmektedir.

METU Crea II. Info Day @ Eskişehir

METU Crea II. Info Day @ Eskişehir

The "METU Crea Info Day 2 - Eskişehir" event was held on April 25, 2024, at Park Dedeman Eskişehir. It featured updates on the ECITE Project and METU Crea, providing valuable information to attendees which included small and medium-sized enterprises within the creative industries, industry workers, entrepreneurs, and students. These participants received insights into the latest developments in their sectors and the current state of the industry.

Following the opening session, attendees were invited to the specially designed concept space, Crea Café. This café facilitated the exchange of experiences and interactive discussions focused on the targeted sectors of Gaming, Next-Generation Filmmaking, and Wearable Technologies, as well as cross-sector entrepreneurship. Participants also had the opportunity to learn about METU Crea's sectoral services and the project application processes from academics and industry experts.

The event continued with the PROJECT Me activity, where entrepreneurs who applied had the opportunity to present their project proposals in front of an audience and a panel of judges. After their presentations, the entrepreneurs responded to questions from the judges and attendees.

“Story Begins…”

“Story Begins…”

Within the scope of “ECITE: Emergence of Creative Industries and Transformation of Economy of Gaming, Wearables and New Generation Film Production” Project, co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye, and whose Contracting Authority is the Ministry of Industry and Technology and the Beneficiary is the Middle East Technical University (METU), the first Info Day was organized on 16.02.2024 at CerModern in Ankara.
Creative sectors professionals, freelancers, and students from the fields of Gaming, New Generation Film Production and Wearable Technologies gathered at the “METU Crea Info Days – Ankara.”

Having delivered the opening speech of the event, the rector of Middle East Technical University Prof. Dr. Mustafa Verşan Kök stated that with ECITE Project and METU Crea, METU will home an important structure for enterprises and entrepreneurs and will provide consultancy and training opportunities on product development and commercialization by enhancing competitiveness and sustainability of creative sectors in global extent through the renewed infrastructure of METU Design Factory, TEKNOKENT ATOM and GISAM.

During the event, Project’s Team Leader Rasmus Wiinstedt Tscherning, the Director of METU Design Factory Prof. Dr. Arzu Gönenç Sorguç, Entrepreneur and Experience Designer Yakup Bayrak, and Project’s sectoral experts Dr. Leyla Türker Şener, Dr. Serkan Şavk and Nihat Baran Menteş delivered speeches and presentations.

METU Design Factory Hosts IDFW’23 and DFGN.R Conference II

METU Design Factory Hosts IDFW’23 and DFGN.R Conference II

METU Design Factory, an innovation center where researchers and students from various disciplines come together and work on new products and solutions, hosts an important organization in the fields of design, innovation, and collaboration. Within the International Design Factory Week (IDFW) that will take place between October 2-6, 2023, design factory representatives from many countries will convene at METU for workshops, training and new collaboration opportunities.

Design Factory Global Network (DFGN), comprising 39 design factories across 26 countries as members and promoting international cooperation efforts with a focus on education and innovation through events such as IDFW, gathers its 25 member design factories and nearly fifty representatives at METU Design Factory. The design factories that participate in this year’s event to discuss possible future collaborations and projects in addition to sharing their activities with others are listed below.

  • Design Factory Javeriana Bogotá (Colombia)
  • Design Factory Korea (South Korea)
  • Design Factory Melbourne (Australia)
  • Design Factory Shenkar (Israel)
  • DF London (England)
  • DF Pforzheim (Germany)
  • DF@Seunisa (Italy)
  • FORGE Design Factory (Ireland)
  • FusionPoint (Spain)
  • Future Design Factory (The Netherlands)
  • HAMK Design Factory (Finland)
  • Hannam Design Factory (South Korea)
  • iCubo UDD (Chile)
  • Ideasquare @CERN (Switzerland)
  • Inno.space (Germany)
  • Kyoto Design Lab (Japan)
  • Manchester Design Factory (England)
  • NYC Design Factory (United States of America)
  • Oper.Space (Italy)
  • Porto Design Factory (Portugal)
  • Sino-Finnish Centre (China)
  • St. John’s University Design Factory (United States of America)
  • University of Tartu Delta Sandbox (Estonia)
  • UPV: Generación Espontánea (Spain)

This year in its seventh iteration at the METU Design Factory, IDFW also includes the second international DFGN.R Conference, where diverse applications and educational insights from all over the world in the field of design and innovation are exchanged and explored. This year’s conference, themed “Design for Diversity,” will take place on October 5-6 in collaboration with the CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation (CIJ), and selected research papers will be published in a special issue of this journal. Throughout the remainder of the week, you can get the updates regarding these exciting events by following the METU Design Factory and DFGN social media accounts, or by following the hashtags #IDFW2023 and #DFGNR. For detailed information and updates, you can also click on the links below.

  • DFGN.R Conference Website: https://www.conference.dfgn.org/
  • Conference Proceedings Book: https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/123732
  • METU Design Factory Website: https://tf.metu.edu.tr/


Funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Technical Assistance for “ECITE: Emergence of Creative Industries and Transformation of Economy of Gaming, Wearables and New Generation Film Production” will be carried out in cooperation with METU Design Factory, METU GISAM and ATOM. The kick-off meeting with the partners of the project was held on 16.03.2023 at METU Culture and Congress Center.

METU Design Factory, host of IDFW ’23

METU Design Factory, host of IDFW ’23

The International Design Factory Week (IDFW), which will be held for the seventh time in 2023, is planned to be hosted by the METU Design Factory. IDFW is an event where design factories located in 35 different cities around the world come together every year to share their experiences and exchange ideas on potential collaborations and projects through various events and workshops held throughout the week, within the body of the Global Network of Design Factories (DFGN). The event is also a global event promoting the host design factory and the surrounding ecosystem.

Within the scope of the IDFW’23 organization, which will be hosted by the METU Design Factory in 2023, Aalto University Design Factories Global Network coordinators discussed the organization planning and existing infrastructures for 4 days between 14-17 November 2022. Various meetings were held, including the design factory, METU campus and technological infrastructures were introduced.

IDS Spring’21 Closing Ceremony

IDS Spring’21 Closing Ceremony

The Interdisciplinary Design Studio, which was held for the 10th time in the spring semester of the 2021-2022 academic year, ended with the closing event. Many valuable guests from academia and industry attended the closing event. DTS groups, consisting of students from different departments at METU, presented their innovative solutions that they had been working on throughout the semester. After the presentation and jury evaluations, the teams debated ideas with the participants about their work.

3 projects developed with the support of Vestel for this term;

  • “NOVI” prepared by the “ICE” team to to enhance the driving experience of novice drivers.
  • “KİRPİ” by the “FUTURUM” team, focused on designing an innovative electric charging station and improving the experience between the charging station and the user.
  • “VIRIPOT”, the new home appliance of the “VIRIDIS” that can prevent food waste.

IDS Spring 2021-2022 Applications are Open!

IDS Spring 2021-2022 Applications are Open!

Interdisciplinary Design Studio (DTS) is a series of events consisting of various seminars, workshops and studio classes that support participants from different disciplines to work together. DTS, which is carried out with the coordination of the METU Design Factory and the mentorship of our professors from different departments, is a course designed with the partnership of industry and non-governmental organizations operating in different sectors, especially METU Technopolis.

DTS, called Interdisciplinary Problem Solving (BA148), will be held on Fridays between 09:00-12:30 as an open elective course to students from all departments in METU.

IDS Fall’21 Closing Ceremony

IDS Fall’21 Closing Ceremony

The Interdisciplinary Design Studio, which was held for the ninth time in the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year, ended with the closing event. Many valuable guests from academia and industry attended the closing event. DTS groups, consisting of students from different departments at METU, presented their innovative solutions that they had been working on throughout the semester. After the presentation and jury evaluations, the teams debated ideas with the participants about their work.

3 projects developed with the support of Arçelik for this term;

  • “Wiggle” prepared by the “Foodies” team to extend food life and minimize food loss.
  • “Washdraw” by the “Juno” team, focused on dishwashing in the kitchen environment, which will make user life easier.
  • “Reset”, the new home assistant application of the “Xyz” team that will make life easier for users.

You can find detailed information about the projects here.